I was listening to a song by Laura Woodley the other day and all I really want to say is WOW! It’s a song about how we see our relationship with the Lord. But in the midst of the junk and dirt He sees beauty; He wants us, He chooses us, His beautiful brides
You saw me broken
You saw me battered
You saw me battered
You saw me filthy
You saw me shattered
You saw me wicked
You saw me lying
You saw me failing
You saw me trying
You saw me angry
You saw me jealous
You saw me prideful
You saw me selfish
You saw me wonder
You saw me lustful
You saw me striving
Worshipping idols
I want her
I want her
I love her
She’s the one for me
I choose her
I know her
She is my true love
Bring her to me
She is my true love
Bring her to me
Put a ring on her finger
Clothe her in my righteousness
Shine my light all around her
Place a crown upon her head
Keep her tears in a bottle
See her name upon my hands
When she says: I don’t deserve it
Tell her: I took the nails instead
I took the nails instead
After hearing the song, I decided to create a painting! Around the outside of the canvas has lines from the beginning of the song, and in the center of the painting is God's response to how he see us..."I want her..." And the awesome thing is that after printing it out the words on the paper it resembled a dress; which lead me to make the center of the painting a dress. A beautiful dress, set apart for His beautiful bride.